Making student life easier is going to depend on the method of study that you take. If you’re ready for your first term at a university away from home, you’ll be checking out all the ways that you can make your student loans stretch, including buying in storage for students for that bit between first and second year where you have to move out of halls. If you’re going to be a mature student working with the Open University around your job and family, you’re going to need the best study tips so that you don’t get distracted by everyday life. The rules are different, but in the end you’re all students and you’re all going to be freaking out about exams. It’s important in your student life that you are not down and out and munching noodles, so learning the best ways to make your money stretch is important! Check out our tips below so that you can be up and in while staying well fed during the best time of your life.
Speak To Your Bank
Whether you are a mature student or not doesn’t matter, you need to discuss your student options with your bank. You can choose to aim for the biggest 0% overdraft deal possible, but never go over the limit. This way, you can use only what you need as and when you need it, but not go beyond those means. Explore the freebies and offers that banks could offer you and pick the best deal for you.
Utilise A Calculator
Trying to manage money is hard, but it’s even harder when you’re a student and you have to try and live on a shoestring. Don’t be tempted to blow your loan the second that you get it, either. It may be nice to head out on Fresher’s week, but you are going to end up with nothing and hungry – be smart here, not impulsive.
Get A Student Card
Using a student card can save you cash wherever you go. There are plenty of shops that will give you a discount simply because you are studying, just make sure you don’t leave your student card at home when you go out!
Second Hand Books
There is no need to buy new, when you can use websites like this to buy second hand reading materials. Buying preloved books as a student is smart and savvy; exactly the type of student that you want to be.
Rocking your university degree is going to take some time and you need to be ready for the challenge.