Teaching is one of those things that isn’t really a career. It’s more of a lifestyle, a personal learning journey, and a commitment to working your magic on thousands of young people who need some vital skills and knowledge to go and take on the world outside of the school gates. Whilst...
Monthly Archive: March 2019
Starting Up Your Own Business After University? You’ll Need These 3 Productivity Strategies!

Once they have gained their degree, entrepreneurs in the business world often work alone or small teams, primarily to keep the overheads and running costs of their startup down. However, while working in this environment is excellent for minimising costs, there are some particular issues that it can cause, especially regarding productivity....
Alternative Ways to Operate a Law Firm in 2019

1. Focus on Running a Successful Business Law firms are business just like any other and modernization involves ensuring the practice is not permanently curtailed. Meeting the needs of clients helps build the reputation of a law firm. As a self-driven lawyer with an entrepreneurial spirit, you need to work under a...
How To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Small Business

When it comes to growing your business successfully, then you’re really not going to survive for very long if you’re not putting a consistent effort into quality marketing. The thing with marketing is that a lot people get really confused and overwhelmed by it – especially nowadays with so many so-called gurus...