A team of scientists has proposed another experimental proof for Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Open University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Montpellier in France, describe a proof for one of the theory’s basic assumptions, that is, the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate at exactly the same speed.
The Open University (OU) has joined forces with local community partners in Milton Keynes to promote social justice and support the aims of the local organisation Citizens:mk. Launched in May 2010, Citizens:mk is a growing alliance of community groups, including community associations, churches, mosques and schools who collaborate to contribute to the continued development of the local economy and support the local community. Citizens:mk is a local branch of the national organisation Citizens UK.
Our YG&B series has been blessed to share current exemplary writingsfeaturing the most talented, smartest and gifted children, youth, and youngadults of African descent both here in America and throughout the globe. And this week’s profile is no exception. Breanna Edwards in her February 24, 2015 posting in The Root notes of our exceptional preteen as “one of the United Kingdom’s youngest universitystudents.” She is young, gifted & Black. Esther Okade is already at the top of her class just after three weeks of attendance at UK’s Open University according to Edward.
Photograph Credit: Open Learn
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