Feedback can be helpful for future students, whether positive or negative, but is it accurate? by David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU After putting out a post on social media recently asking for feedback on the Open University experience, I was surprised at some of the responses. There were plenty of...
Tagged: new2OU
Open University DU301: Full TMA 03

I have released this EMA to help future OU students who are studying on the same course. It received a mark above 70% and will hopefully be of use as an example or guideline for DU301 students to look at. Outline and evaluate the game theory explanation of the difficulties...
Open University Reviews

Here are some of the links to reviews we have found that may be useful to anyone considering studying with the Open University. If you have any to add then feel free to leave below in the comments section. Thanks, David. Open University Reviews – Course and Study Reddit link –>
AA100 Revisited

The Burial at Thebes – Seamus Heaney translation Commissioned to mark the centenary of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2004, “The Burial at Thebes” is Seamus Heaney’s verse translation of Sophocles’ great tragedy, “Antigone” – whose eponymous heroine is one of the most sharply individualized and compelling figures in western...
H817 OU: TMAs and EMA

Considering studying for the H817 Masters course? See the assessment criteria and level of questions you’ll need to get past in order to pass this module. Tutor-marked assignment TMA01 Length: 1500 words H817 learning outcomes addressed Understanding what constitutes openness and innovation in technology enhanced learning. An appreciation of the key factors...
Open University DD308: Full EMA

I have released this EMA to help future OU students who are studying on the same course. It received a mark within the 70% region and will hopefully be of use as an example or guideline for DD308 students to look at. Image Credit: Taken from the #dd308 hashtag on Twitter What...
Open University DD308: All TMA and EMAs

Making social worlds In order to survive, human beings live in social worlds which create security, foster stable attachment between individuals and things, and regulate behaviour. This accessible, vocationally relevant module demonstrates how sociological approaches can be applied to make sense of these processes – investigating how they work and how they...
Open University Masters: Entry 22

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU Weeks 14-15: How to use Learning Design Studio Things have taken a turn for the next few weeks as Block 3 moves into group-work territory. We were asked to choose a topic to cover (local history, digital storytelling and others) and are asked to...
Open University Students: Note Taking Tips

By Luke Murphy – Guest Contributor Note taking can be daunting, especially for those who have been out of education for a long time, such as myself. I have noticed quite a lot of people on my tutor group asking about note-taking techniques, so I thought it would be great if this...
Open University Masters: Entry 20

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David looks at Open Educational Resources and MOOCs Week 9: OER reuse and sustainability Open Learning heavyweight Martin Weller introduced us to this week’s activities and OER in general. The study objectives, if met, would enable us to understand: the use of appropriate licences...