Got a spare five mins at work? Well, here is another slice of Open University news for you all. This week we have information on a free course on philosophy, research into the pain and relief (I bet!) experienced by those deposed from political office and news that Conservative Sajid Javid will head up the...
Tagged: new2OU
Sticking To the Open University Study Planner, Or Not.

By Leanne Goodall Do you stick to the study planner on your module website? I haven’t been looking at mine so much of late and it’s got me wondering why. Until recently, I’ve always followed the planner studiously. For anyone that hasn’t come across the planner or isn’t an Open University student,...
Latest Open University News
Once again this past week we’ve been busy scanning across the internet to find the latest information and Open University courses. The greatest university on the planet (we reckon anyway) is always innovating and leading the way on many issues that affect us around the globe and these news pieces reflect just...
Deferment is not the end of the world…..

By Clair Chaytors Having been a student of the Open University for over eight years now on various courses you could say I have caught the OU bug. In 2011 though after having had four children I decided to focus on an English Literature degree, my ultimate dream. My first two years...
My 5 Top Tips for Writing a TMA

By Leanne Goodall After three years of study, I’ve written a fair share of TMAs now! Each and every one of them has taught me more than just the content of the course books. Throughout my journey I have worked out one or two things which have really helped me when writing...
Latest Open University News
Happy Thursday everybody, it’s only one day to go until Friday and that’s a fact! It’s also four days away from Monday…..whoa, sorry, I got carried away. Anyway, here’s is your weekly dose of OU news. This week get the lowdown on opinion polls via some cracking YouTube videos as posted by...
The Secret to Juggling Work, Study and Motherhood

By Leanne Goodall A few weeks ago I sat down to write a piece on juggling your time as a working, student Mum but as I began to think about it I realised that it was something I hadn’t yet conquered. Well, that was until recently when I stumbled upon the secret....
Latest Open University News
Hola Open University bods! It’s that time of the week again when we grab a huge pile of online newspapers and trawl through for related articles until the digital ink is stained across our fingertips! Really? In the words of Dr Evil – no, not really, but we do have a few...
The Open University: Coping With Tutorial Nerves

By Leanne Goodall I remember my very first Open University tutorial like it was yesterday. I remember packing my things into a bag but not really knowing what I would need. Notepads, course books, too many pens and even more highlighters because every student needs highlighters, right? My feelings of excitement became...
Latest Open University News
Hello everyone it’s great to have you over. It’s Thursday again and we’ve been surfing the interwebs to fish out the latest information relating to the Open University and its courses. This week we have some inspirational stories for you to digest. Firstly news of a man who is trying to become the world’s first judge...