By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David has got the TMA out of the way and focuses on H817 Block 2 Week 7: Introduction to openness in education This is our introduction to Block 2 which is entitled Open Education so it gives us a pretty clear indication of what we...
Tagged: tma
Open University Masters: Entry 18

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David looks at emerging technologies and prepares for the first TMA Here we go then, another two weeks to get my teeth stuck in to…am I enjoying it so far? It’s OK I suppose. Struggling to find the time each week to be honest,...
Open University Masters: Entry 17

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David is hitting the theory hard in his latest two weeks of H817 The most recent activities are detailed below. Week 3: Debates and theories in elearning This was a solid week where we began picking in to elearning theories and ended the week...
Open University Masters: Entry 16

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David is all ready for the second year of his MAODE course Welcome back everyone! Hope your Open University studies are going well or you are enjoying a well-earned break. Either way, no messing about, let’s get straight into it. I’ve started the second...
H817: Year two of David’s Masters about to begin

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David has signed up for H817 and is looking to nail this MA over the next year Hey all, I’m back and raring to go on another year of OU studying. When I say a year I mean from February to September, but you...
H800 EMA handed in! Where next?

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU Part 1 of the journey is completed. David looks back over the course as a whole and plans his next move. So, that’s year one over and done with, it certainly has flown by. In case you missed any of the articles along the...
Open University Masters: Entry 15

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David is working hard on his EMA so just drops in for a brief update Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6, Entry 7, Entry 8 , Entry 9, Entry 10, Entry 11, Entry 12, Entry...
Open University Masters: Entry 14

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David has now completed TMA04 and moves on to the EMA as H800 nears a conclusion Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6, Entry 7, Entry 8 , Entry 9, Entry 10, Entry 11, Entry...
Open University Masters: Entry 13

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU In this latest installment David tackles technology practices and practitioners roles Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6, Entry 7, Entry 8 , Entry 9, Entry 10, Entry 11 and Entry 12. Week 24: Contexts...
Open University Masters: Entry 12

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU In this installment David looks at future trends in technology and metaphors Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6, Entry 7, Entry 8 , Entry 9, Entry 10 and Entry 11. Week 22:...