Have any of your own? Add them in to the comments.
Here is the pick of them.
Fewer set texts in my English module – there are too many to read and I can’t enjoy them.
More breaks throughout the module to allow you to catch up if you fall behind.
More online tutorials – why on earth doesn’t a distance learning organisation make better use of technology?
Closer tutorials to attend physically. They are too far away!
Less online module content and more printed word.
Tutors who return your assignments on time.
Better flexibility with deadlines.
A Maths professor living with me.
Reduced amount of online reading…it’s hurting my eyes!
More financial help
A bigger brain
Multiple choice TMAs!
Not having to work so I could study full time
More hours in the day.
Tutorials on other days – not just Saturdays.
A knowledge pill that we could digest and consume.
A photographic memory
Help with childcare