#1 Terry Anderson writes about his experiences of visiting the Open University.
Click here for the link
#2 Users on AV Forums discuss whether taking an Open University degree is worth it.
Click here for the link
#3 The Guardian gives you some OU-related information.
Click here for the link
Here are some reviews from former OU students:
#4 A developer looking to distance study asks about whether the Open University is a good fit.
Click here for the link
#5 Users of popular parenting site Net Mums decide whether taking an Open University course is worthwhile.
Click here for the link
#6 A writer for the Daily Mirror tells how an Open University degree changed her life by helping her to land a dream job.
Click here for the link
Have you always wanted to gain a university qualification, but feel that time, money or your ability to study at such a level are holding you back?
Finally… #7 For anyone interested in the video side of things, check out this excellent pros and cons offering from Chelsea Allenby who breaks down her experiences of studying with the Open University in a fair and balanced way.