Are you working towards landing a dream job, or have you decided to change careers or look for a new employer? If you have ambitions, it’s important to give yourself the best possible chance of making your goals achievable. In this guide, we’ll outline some actionable steps to help you improve your career prospects.

Focus on self-development

Getting a new job isn’t always about ticking the boxes on a list of job requirements. Often, confidence and making positive first impressions are key. If you’re reluctant to apply for jobs you think are beyond your skill level, or you find it hard to impress in interviews, focus on self-development. Have confidence in your abilities and think positively. It’s not easy to do this, but if you can adjust your mindset and focus on your strengths and the value you offer, you should find it easier to climb the career ladder. Look for courses you can do and resources you can subscribe to like Think BIG- The Journal of Personal Development. It can take time to enhance self-esteem and build resilience, but the benefits will be lifelong. Set clear, realistic goals and be honest and open about your career goals. Don’t feel pressured into making changes by others or think you have to work towards targets based on societal trends.

Embrace opportunities to learn and develop

Some people are naturally inquisitive and adventurous when it comes to learning and professional and personal development. Others tend to hold back and they might be worried or anxious about undertaking training, going on courses or putting their hat in the ring to lead or take on more responsibility. If you’re keen to boost your career prospects, embrace opportunities to learn and develop. You don’t have to swear by mantras that encourage you to step out of your comfort zone all the time, but it is beneficial to seize opportunities when they come along. Ask about training and courses to gain new qualifications and have confidence in your capabilities if there are chances to step up or lead on a project, for example. Training and learning can help to demonstrate dedication and commitment and improve your CV. 

Tailor every job application

Applying for jobs can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if you never hear back, but it’s important to take the time to tailor every application if you really want the job. Read the job description and application instructions and modify your CV and cover letter to suit the individual role. Learn about the company and take full advantage of the opportunity to make your application stand out. 

Hone your interview skills

Studies show that over 90% of people experience interview anxiety. Job interviews can be daunting, especially if you’re an introvert or you find it hard to think on your feet or speak publicly. If you don’t have a fantastic track record, or you lack confidence and composure, it’s worth taking steps to hone your interview skills. Research workshops, classes and online webinars and tutorials. Practise as much as possible and rehearse pitches and presentations. Don’t lose heart if you don’t get the first job. Every interview is a learning experience. Ask for constructive feedback to help you improve and get ready for the next shot. 

Are you working towards new career goals? If you have ambitions, take these steps on board to boost your prospects. Focus on self-development, embrace opportunities to learn and have confidence in your abilities. Tailor each application and hone your interview skills.