Sir Simon Hughes, Bermondsey MP from 1983 to 2015, has been appointed to a new role at the Open University. “Effective engagement with the UK Government and other key influencers is therefore vital to ensure these benefits are fully realised. Simon brings with him a wealth of relevant experience and insight, as well as sharing our commitment to social mobility and opening up access to education.”
A student from The Open University has officially named a section of the planet Mercury, after his suggestion was approved by the Astronomical Union. Jack Wright, 24, a first-year PhD student in the Department of Physical Sciences, has mapped a 350km-long ridge since November, and has now named it ‘Unity’ – after the ship which took Edmond Halley – of Halley’s Comet fame – to the South Atlantic island of St Helena in 1676.
OU PHD student gets naming honour
The Institute of Physics has announced that The University of Manchester is to be awarded Juno Champion status, recognising its commitment to embedding equality and diversity within its physics department. The University’s physics department – along with that of the Open University – is being awarded the highest accolade in accordance to the IOP’s five principles of Project Juno. These principles cover demonstrable ways in which physics departments can tackle gender barriers faced by current and future academics working at the university.
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