Did you know that according to Forbes, an average of 118 applications are received for every job? This means that to succeed, you’ll need to beat 117 others to the finish line. This may seem like a daunting prospect, especially if you’re not very good at singing your own praises. The numbers...
How You Could Start your Own Business While at University

If you want to start making money while you are at university then you are not alone. There are thousands of people who go to university every single year with the hopes of starting their own business, and if you plan everything out right and stay focused, you can be sure to...
What You Need To Know Before Starting A Business

Starting your own business is a very exciting stage in your life. It means that you are ready to put your ideas out there to the world, make a living off of what you do, and be your own boss! But before you do any of that, there are a lot of...
Where Could Your Business Degree Take You?

Work is a big part of our life, and how you feel about the eight to twelve hours you spend in the workplace each day will affect your life dramatically. Maybe you’re just starting out in your career and are thinking of options for the future, or perhaps you’re a little later...
Back In The Game: Curating A Fresh Job Application

You may be getting slightly older, have a family to support, looking toward others to pin your hopes on, but it’s never too late get back into the game. The professional world is full of opportunities for all kinds of people. It’s such a relentless place, to begin with, but it’s not...
H817: Year two of David’s Masters about to begin

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David has signed up for H817 and is looking to nail this MA over the next year Hey all, I’m back and raring to go on another year of OU studying. When I say a year I mean from February to September, but you...
5 Things You Can Do to Start Improving Your Career Prospects Now

Studying with the OU, getting higher qualifications and proving that you are capable of bigger and better things is a fantastic way of improving your career prospects right now, but it isn’t a panacea, and there are plenty of other things you can, and probably should do to improve your future prospects...
How to Go About Changing Your Career

Many people want to change their career path for many reasons, but few people know how to go about it. It is much more accessible than many people think though, and there are smart and safe ways to go about it that doesn’t involve putting your finances at risk. Just trying something...
Key Ways To Stay Out Of Debt

Staying out of debt isn’t something many people can say they are doing. While debt can be useful in some cases, for instance, when you have a credit card to make big payments and this offers protection, as well as help you to build up your credit score. However, for the most...
Small Ways To Save Big Money In College

College is a big money-drainer, but you probably already know that. Now that you’re an independent adult, you’re going to have to learn to navigate the confusing world of money on your own. You don’t want to have to rely on your parents to bail you out for the rest of your...