Is it time for the Open University to include mischievous moggies with the module mail-outs? By Rollo Jones Tutors can be devious beasts and often have quite oblique motives for undertaking activities. I’m no exception to this. For example, during the first tutorial of each module presentation I will invariably ask my...
Tagged: open university study
David’s Pros and Cons of Online Learning

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU I started with the Open University in early 2007 and even in the near-10 years that have followed I’ve noticed massive changes in the world of online learning. One of the first things that past and current students recommended to me, as I began studying with...
Masters on hold so let’s try a MOOC

By David Wells Hello everyone, thanks for dropping back in with me. This post will double as a Masters update/moving forward piece. If you read my last update article you’ll know that I had decided to hold off signing up for a Masters module just yet and was planning on taking an...
What Working Abroad Can Do for Your Personal and Professional development

By Ryan Duffy People can choose to work abroad for a variety of reasons. It can be down to the best jobs being available in another country, or they may see it as achieving two goals with one action by being able to gain work experience whilst still getting the opportunity to...
OU Students: Tutorial Terrors!

By Rollo Jones The excitement is mounting: I found a course I like the look of and I’ve applied for it I’ve had the email confirming I’m on the module. There’s been an official looking letter to confirm it. I’ve got access to the course website The doorbell rings and someone is...
David’s Masters Degree Update

By David Wells David’s still on track to start his Masters but may have to rethink his plans It’s been a while but I thought I’d check in with another Masters update article. When I last wrote a blog post I was weighing up my options as to what module I would...
5 Things Every Student Needs to Know

By Ryan Duffy University gives you some of the best years of your life. You will make friends and memories that last a lifetime. When you first start at university you are essentially stepping in to new territory, it is likely to be a city or town you have never been to...
OU Students: Preparing for that exam

By Rollo Jones A Sorry Tale….. A few weeks ago I went for a job interview. I diligently prepared beforehand; researching the organization; coming up with great answers for the questions I thought they’d ask; dry cleaning everything that can be dry cleaned; the whole schamoozle. I didn’t get the job and...
Why should you opt for an alternative learning?

By Melissa Spears Just when I was feeling stuck and bored with my job I found reasons to get inspired again. Online degree courses – the leeway that empowered me with a desire to live with the job I crave for. In spite of being hedged about with professional and personal responsibilities, I managed...
Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Career Prospective as an Intern

By Andy Bell Right after studying, most students worry about unemployment. Right off the bat, fresh graduates are under-skilled in contrast with the other candidates for employments. So how will you boost your resume and give an irresistible CV to your employers? The answers are just within your reach. Find Your Career...