Right after studying, most students worry about unemployment. Right off the bat, fresh graduates are under-skilled in contrast with the other candidates for employments. So how will you boost your resume and give an irresistible CV to your employers? The answers are just within your reach.
Find Your Career Centre and Visit
When you are in your intern year, looking for a prospective employer and internship place shouldn’t be done solo. You can always visit the career centres in your school and start there. Yearly, there are employers coming to school campus and hopes to hire fresh graduates or even train interns. Career centres may be intimidating and very crowded so you can check their website to save time and know if you they have something for your course. You may also get the chance to see coupons for udemy courses.
If you have friends in the career centre, then they can help you find the right internship or even job posting for you. You may also befriend the staff members so that they can give you information and probably inside scoops on companies hiring.
Take the Initiative
An intern who takes initiative is what most recruiters and employers are looking for. The ability to take initiative does not come often since others may feel shy to do certain tasks. If employers know you take initiative in the interview phase, they will regard highly of your application since they know you can work on your own even without too much supervision.
If you are opting to further your studies on the other hand, you can always take initiative and research about online courses. With the many universities and colleges that offer distance learning today, there is no need to look further! You can try taking online courses at Udemy and even use coupons for udemy courses for discounts.
Visit the Dean’s Office of your Academic Department
There are specific degrees wherein students need to take internship as part of their academic module. This is a great advantage for students who are taking academics since employers may prefer to hire students taking internship for their companies. It is important to be familiar with who are the leaders in your department since they can give your concrete answers about different opportunities and the success of former graduates from the department. There may be a referral of some sort or they can just help you get in the loop of who are the top leaders of the different companies your school is tied up with.
Pimp your CV
Pimping up your CV is essential to impress the employers. As fresh graduate, the resume may look bland compared to those with enough experience but you can always beat them with that. How? Through your school grades, different seminars (if applicable) and school organisations you’ve joined.
Apply, apply and apply!
Getting the internship that you have always wanted or a job that you are looking forward too cannot be yours if you don’t do the one simple step: Application. You will never get it unless you give your resume, submit your credentials and have a negative attitude! A negative thinking like “you will never get it” is one of the defeats you encounter and as a result, you miss out on the opportunity that was supposed to be yours. Yes there will be rejections but no one becomes a superstar or even an expert on the first try. So if you have been rejected once, don’t give up. There are always other opportunities and little did you know the other opportunities are the best ones for you. Your way to the top of your career will never be easy. It takes time and you may be rejected many times. But that is not the reason to lose hope, instead do good with what you and improve your ways for better career opportunities.
Improve career opportunity with online courses
You can also highlight the specific skill that you learned throughout your academic studies. And if you were able to take short courses during summer break, it is very efficient and reliable too. In fact, you can enrol in different online courses and even get coupons for udemy courses to save money for the online course you are taking.
Andy Bell is a blogger and educator.