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Latest Open University News

It’s Thursday again everybody and that means time for a bit more Open University news.  This week we take a look at creating a business development campaign, a new course that caters for the growing demand for coaching and a financial personality test. Remember, if there’s a free course or bit of news on...


Once an OU student, always an OU student…

Open University students together

By Clair Chaytors You’ve taken that dreaded exam or you’ve submitted that mind boggling EMA. You’ve packed up all your notes and books into a storage box and you’ve signed up for your next course. But, there’s a problem; the new university term starts in October and it’s only the beginning of...


OU Students: The Long TMA Wait


By Leanne Goodall It’s practically the longest wait in the world. You know the one where you refresh and refresh that computer screen. The one where you log on to Student Home 200 more times than when you’re actually studying and the one where every new email makes you hold your breath,...


OU Module Review: A200 Exploring history: medieval to modern 1400-1900

Open University students reading over the study planner

By Leanne Goodall ‘The most challenging yet rewarding course I’ve ever done’ Wow, what a course. If you’ve read other module reviews for A200 then you’ll know that it’s the nuts and bolts of studying History at degree level. It aims to teach you all the skills that a historian needs, how...


Am I the sort of person who gets a degree?

“There’s only one place you’ll end up and that’s in a dead-end job or prison,” said the librarian over her horn-rimmed spectacles. Wow! Talk about a vote of confidence. That was our school librarian by the way, giving her measured assessment of my career prospects after I was caught stuffing security tags...


Opinion: “It’s time to end the War on Drugs”

It's time to end the War on Drugs

By Andrew Brown The war on drugs is a failure that has been lost and is now due for a radical re-think. Bold statement to open with you might think but that’s how I see it. Those who started and continue to push the “war” have always been at least a step...


Interview with Open University blogger James Newton

open university studies
The glasses are down and off for a break from those Open University TMAs

This week it is an absolute pleasure to welcome over blogger, influencer, father, oh and Open University student James Newton for an interview. More of an informal chat I’d like to think but either way James was kind enough to agree to it and responded extremely quickly. Hope we didn’t eat into...
