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Open University Masters: Entry 9

Open University Masters

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU Plenty of reflection and review as David hits entry 9 Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6, Entry 7 and Entry 8. Week 16: Reviewing Area of Interest Activity 1 was...


Open University Masters: Entry 8

OU H800 Module

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David continues with the student voice and tackles his second TMA of the module Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5, Entry 6 and Entry 7. Week 14: The Student Voice As...


Open University Masters: Entry 7

Open University Masters Entry 7

By David, editor at Surviving the OU David looks at digital natives, google generations and approaches to learning and teaching Hello everybody! If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5 and Entry 6. Week 12: Approaches to learning and teaching Another two...


Open University Masters: Entry 6

OU H800 Entry 6

By David, editor at Surviving the OU David returns from the Easter Break refreshed and gets stuck straight back into the module If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4  and Entry 5. Easter Break Yay! A nice short and sharp entry...


Open University Masters: Entry 5

OU H800

By David, editor at Surviving the OU David completes another two weeks by looking at schemas, learning design and a bit of Wikipedia and Blogging If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 and Entry 4. So we finished up last time midway through Week...


Open University Masters: Entry 4

Open University Masters Entry 4

By David, editor at Surviving the OU The first TMA is handed in and David proceeds with the course If you’ve missed any of the previous posts then find them here: Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3. The course is flowing nicely now and I’m still feeling motivated. Week 7 was...


Open University Masters: Entry 3

Open University Masters Entry 3

By David, editor at Surviving the OU Mediums, Messages and the small matter of a TMA Hi everybody! That’s six weeks down then and we’ve reached 25% on the study planner timeline so it’s a quarter of the module completed already. Time flies when you’re having fun (sort of fun anyway).  If...


Open University Masters: Entry 2

OU Masters Entry 2

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU Things are heating up and the theories are flying thick and fast in David’s third and fourth weeks of MA study Another section of reading, activities and forum work has passed then and here we are recapping the finer points for blog entry 2. If you...


Open University Masters: Entry 1

OU Masters Entry 1

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU David has started H800 and takes a look back at the first two weeks of study OU H800 Week 1 A nice, solid start to the module, nothing too taxing apart from some introductory questions to ponder. Navigating the home page was the biggest...


Open University Masters: Inside Student Home

By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU As you probably already know, I’ve signed up for #H800 as the first step along my Open University Masters’ journey. I will hopefully be blogging once a fortnight with updates and comments to let you know how I’m getting along. This will not only...
