Category: General Articles

OU Students: Five Ways to Fail a TMA

Open University TMA fail

By Rollo Jones  So you want to prolong your time with the OU? We all know that studying with the Open University is the most satisfying experience you will ever have. As such it is perfectly natural that you will want to prolong it for as long as possible in the most...


5 Tips for Applying to Top Universities

Applying to Top Universities

By Andy Bell Education is an important investment and if you are gearing towards a good investment, it is only right that you choose the best. The most well-known and top universities listed offer the best quality of education any student can ask for. Their standards may be high but the reputation...


7 Open University blogs and websites you should be following

Open University Blogging

By David Wells Connecting with fellow OU students and following bloggers within the community was a vital part of getting my degree Growing my Knowing The always awesome Leanne is a regular contributor to STOU and she also blogs over on her own site, formerly History, Serendipity and Me since retitled as...


I’ve decided to study for a Masters

Masters Degree Open University

I finished my degree in 2013 and graduated in 2014, not fully intending to move on into postgraduate studies. After all I never saw myself as the type of person who even gets a degree so moving into postgraduate study also seemed unthinkable. But here we are, I’ve spent a good few...


Revision Tips: by an OU Student

OU Student Revising for an Exam

By Leanne Goodall Here are five tips to help with your revision for that tricky Open University exam So you have an exam coming up and you just don’t know where to start with your revision, right? Me too. Well, at least I thought so but then I realised that I’m actually panicking...


OU Graduation Inspiration

Open University Graduation Day

By Leanne Goodall Looking ahead to your graduation can inspire and motivate as the workload increases Many students will be busy preparing for exams or writing EMAs (end of module assignments) for the final part of their current module. There’s no denying that this is a tough process that requires one huge...


How to Face Your First Exam in Years

Woman Studying For Open University Exam

By Leanne Goodall Often OU students are taking exams for the first time in years. Leanne has some words of advice if you have an exam coming up soon. Every year I hear of OU Students saying that they are about to embark on their first exam for many years. ‘Many’ here can...


Open University Students Magazine

Open university Students Magazine

Surviving the OU are delighted to have been featured in two editions of the Open University Students Magazine. Our friends Heather and Jess do a great job and they have invited our editor (David) to the Milton Keynes campus on a few occasions. Read the clippings below. You can find out more...


Interview with Becky from The Study Notebook

The Study Notebook

This week we are delighted to bring you an interview with OU student Becky from the Study Notebook company. If you’ve not heard of them before or want to know more then read below as Becky’s initiative is already making waves. Becky, you run the The Study Notebook Company. Tell us more...


OU Students: The Final Push

By Leanne Goodall The pressure builds to finish that final part of an Open University module or degree but don’t worry, you can get through it About this time of year OU students everywhere are feeling their stress levels increase and they haven’t a clue how they are going to get through the...
