By David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU Studying for an exam or coursework can be difficult when you’re hot, sweaty and uncomfortable 1. Wear comfortable, loose clothing It’s not often in the UK and Ireland we have to contend with soaring temperatures and heatwaves, but hot, sticky weather can test everyone’s...
Is it worth studying with the Open University?
Feedback can be helpful for future students, whether positive or negative, but is it accurate? by David Wells, editor at Surviving the OU After putting out a post on social media recently asking for feedback on the Open University experience, I was surprised at some of the responses. There were plenty of...
5 Key Questions To Ask Before Applying To An OU Course
When living in the UK, it often feels as though getting a degree is the only path to success. The Open University has become an increasingly common solution. It reflects changes in financial situations as well as the growing volume of mature students. Before committing to any degree, though, you must give...
‘Should You Bother Going To University Or Is It A Waste Of Time?’
Growing up in the UK, you’ll have noticed a very weird shift in how people view university. Back before the 90s and 00s, hardly anyone went to university. It got viewed in a way that really made uni seem like this massive thing that everyone should aim for. A lot of people...
What Type Of Work Suits You?
You might like to say that no type of work suits you. Sometimes it’s just easier to spend our days thinking about the life that we could have if we could work from home. Or not work at all. But the reality is that life will never be that great for the...
Landing The Perfect Job After Graduating
Having a degree can certainly broaden your career opportunities. However, a degree alone is not enough to secure a job – particularly your perfect job, for which there’s likely to be a lot of competition. If you want to land that ultimate job, you’re going to need to put some extra work...
The mental mindset required for SAT Tutoring in London
Not only can being unprepared affect how well a student does on the SAT but your attitude can also impact your scores. A lack of positivity, stress, and test anxiety, can also play a crucial part in a student’s performance. What, then, is the proper frame of mind to have that will...
Top 10 tips for essay writing
Top 10 tips for improving your essay writing. OU lecturer Nigel Warburton offers his advice on the essay writing process. 1. GET STARTED Don’t procrastinate. Get down to it now. If you have an essay to write, it is amazing how easy it is to find other things to do....
Open University DU301: Full TMA 03
I have released this EMA to help future OU students who are studying on the same course. It received a mark above 70% and will hopefully be of use as an example or guideline for DU301 students to look at. Outline and evaluate the game theory explanation of the difficulties...
Essay Writing Skills for Open University Students
Essay writing can be less daunting if tackled in 5 stages. 1. Analyse the TMA Question Read the question (and student notes) Distinguish between process and content words/parts of the question (See Learning Companion 2 (LC2), p.67) 2. Read and select relevant material Include concepts, theories, arguments, useful examples and evidence...